The Brazil Live Project: Music of Samuel J

The Brasil Live Project is a musical collaboration with a mighty mission: to unify society and promote social integration of all people in Brazil. Conceived by Cornish born musician Samuel J, it brings together a wide array of Brazilian songwriters including Gabriel Pensador, Tato (Falamansa), Dani Black, Fenandinho Beat Box and Olodum. Samuel J is in California preparing to record in Los Angeles and we had a chance to talk to him about the Brazil Live Project and the inspiration behind his music.

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 Escama: How long have you been living in Brazil and what attracted you there?

SJ: I have been involved with Brazil since I was 19. I fell in love with the vibrancy of the nature and the people, particularly admiring the courageous "alegria"cheerfulness of the less fortunate. I discovered a strong connection with the "alma brasiliero" and my music. The great friendships I made and love of tropical lifestyle the fruits, the clear ocean waves, the endless possibilities of exploration in the sun kissed lands all pulled me back to Brazil every winter I'm Europe Oh and Acai gods greatest fruit gift ! Probably the most important reason !! Haha

Escama: You have the opportunity to work with many talented Brazilian musicians. Is there a reason you wanted to mix music with social responsibility in a country with so much diversity?

SJ: Brazil is a fountain of talent and some of the greatest of them don't ever get a chance or opportunity to be recognized by a greater population. The very reason that I sacrificed so much and dedicated so much time in Brazil was for a dream to create a project that would stage the colour and voice of pure talents both those with a mass national following and those hidden in the depths of culture. My own music is based on the belief that their is great goodness in this world which we can use to help amend and bring balance, it exists in all of us and music is one if it's most powerful channels. The path in Brazil led me to work with some of the greats and thankfully now the hard work has been done we are in the best position to benefit the social projects interwoven with what I do.

Escama: What would you like to accomplish with the Brazil Live Project?

SJ: From the music comes everything. I wish to create something that is solid from the inside out not just the impression. Foremost I want to create great music with pure and unconditional intentions, music of a high compositional quality, that touches people and sparks something positive in people. I don't strive to be unique because all music should be unique if music comes from the heart, then it will be unique, as all hearts are individual.
I want the project to draw attention to the talented people of the Brazilian nation, to spread a conscious message that everyone relates too. Working with children is essential to that as they are the generation who will have to implement the ideals of this time. I am doing this already through music and film.
I want to put a Brazilian based band on the world map, and give an opportunity to the projects musicians who are all of Brazilian descent to have the opportunity to play in the world festival scene ! I would like to bring my music to the Brazilian population.

Escama: Which musicians inspired you when you were growing up?

SJ: So many !! Mostly my sister and my friends. I am greatly inspired by what I see and feel from places and the many admirable people I meet ! That is the base of my music it doesn't come from hearing other music. My sister - My sister lives the philosophy be the change you want to see in the world. She is my biggest single inspiration to my music.

Escama: If you have one thing that that you want to communicate to your fans and to people who have never even heard you before, what would it be?

SJ: Firstly music is best off shared ! And I believe in the unifying power of music ! I have my greatest works to be released later this year, and in the mean time would like to give an opportunity to feel the music, you can download allot of it on soundcloud. Then connect to video sites and my digital diary aka Facebook from there. I also love hearing feedback !

Escama: Are you on tour in the US now?

SJ: Yes, I have been for the last 2 months now I am focusing on recording my next album in California and doing a few shows.

Escama: Where will you be going in the weeks and months to come?

SJ: Onwards and upwards I hope ! I will be bicoastal between Cali and New York and I am currently sourcing the musicians for the new album which I will be recording in and around LA. There is so much new material being released over the next few weeks from all the work in Brazil so so looking forward to sharing that and seeing the happiness manifest from all those involved and out to the world !

X May Music Light The Way x

The Brasil Live Project's Official Trailer


Samuel J - Colorful Vibration

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