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Crochet a Flower With Pull Tabs Want to learn how to crochet with pull tabs? Here are step-by-step instructions with photos. Use the crochet flower as a tabletop coaster, a Christmas ornament, or as part of a bigger project. If...
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Create a stylish pop top necklace with this fun and eco-friendly DIY project. You can make this unique accessory with a simple nail clipper and an emery board -- professional jewelry-making tools are not needed for this project. Materials:...
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Victoria's Secret fashion show is back after a six year hiatus. The 2024 show stayed true to it's campy tradition of 'angels-in-wings' while making meaningful changes toward greater inclusivity: the show had an all-female team in leadership roles, and models...
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ESCAMA UPCOMING SHOWS The following is our current show schedule. Stay tuned for more shows. Craneway Craft Show (Oakland, CA) Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, Henry J Kaiser Center, Oaklnad, CA Head West Marketplace (San Mateo, CA) December 8, South...
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'I blew out my flip flop, stepped on a pop top; cut my heel, had to cruise on back home'. - Jimmy Buffet, Margaritaville For those of us old enough to remember, soda cans and beer cans from the 1970s...
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