Who Made Your Bag?

A fundamental part of Escama Studio is to credit the artists who create each accessory. Each piece comes with a hang tag bearing the signature of the person who made it. You can read more about this person by clicking on the photo at the bottom of this page. If you would like to send a thank you note, click the email icon and we will translate your message into Portuguese and forward it on.
The artists work in co-operatives located outside of Brasília, Brazil. The groups offer women and men in the community a means to earn a living wage through handicrafts and provide a setting where friends are made and self-esteem is regained.

Adriana dos Reis Silva
I am Adriana dos Reis Silva and was born in Barreiras, Bahia. I came to Brasilia in search of opportunities and I won some. I married and soon became pregnant. Through my brother in law I met the work with recycled aluminum tabs. It was very rewarding and now my job is the chance of new achievements.

Angela Monteiro
My name is Angela Monteiro. I was born in 1953 in the city of Penedo, Alagoas. I have been living in Brasília since 1998. Besides being a homemaker, I am also an artisan with many years of experience. This is due to many circumstances in life that forced me to survive. I have no formal schooling but I consider myself a very happy person who likes what I do. Thank God that I am a member of the association, and together I can execute my work, and that I do with much love. The social interaction I have with the other women is great, and my work has been able to provide me with some financial support.

Ângela Pernambucana
I am Ângela Pernambucana, born in the city of Recife. I have been living in Brasília since 2000. I have been married for years. I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. I have a High School diploma and have taken some handcrafts courses as well, such as sewing, decoration, silk flowers, dolls, patchwork, children's parties, etc. I have worked as secretary, retail associate and teacher, and along all my life, I can say that I have been through a lot. Today I consider myself an artisan. I have been a member of the Association since 2004 and I am happy. I like the technique, de evolution of the work and the final recognition that we go through. Before I used to see myself as just passing time, but today my work helps complement the income of my home. It keeps me active and up to date with the world and people. Thank you all very much!!

Aurizete das Graças Coelho Batista
My name is Aurizete das Graças Coelho Batista. I was born in Colinas, Tocantins. I am married, years old, 2 daughters (Brenda, and Bruna, ). I have been in Brasília since 1998. I haven’t been at the association for a long time, but I am already very excited with this work, because it gives me the opportunity to generate more income for my family. Besides, it is a great therapy!

Carmem Lúcia dos Santos
I am an artisan and my name is Carmem Lúcia dos Santos. I was born in Esperança da Paraíba on November 5, 1955. I am single, but have a son who is years old. I have been living in Brasília since 1961. I am happy to be a part of the association.

Francisca Rosa Martins - Chica Rosa
All the way in the town of Novo Oriente, near Crateus, in the State of Ceará, a girl was born. My name is Francisca Rosa Martins, born on February 28th, 1956. When I came to Brasília, I met Macêdo, to whom I married and had two children, Rubem and Thayo. I have always enjoyed working in the community, and people started to know me better as Chica Rosa. I love working with handcrafts, because it gives me inspiration to continue working, as well as to help other women. Soon I realized that I could increase production, and as a result I decided to invite more people to join me. The association was created, and today we have close to 80 women who are producing art, as I like to call it. I also like to think of myself as a Community person, who will always be engaged with it, trying to help it grow, especially the women. Recycling is transforming the world around us!

Cilene Gomes da Silva Lima
I am Cilene Gomes da Silva Lima, years old, married with 2 kids. I was born in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Northeast of Brazil. I have been at the association since 2001. I love my friends here and feel blessed for the things I learned here as well. I will miss everyone very much if someday I leave, which I don't plan to do, but you never know what the future holds for you!

Antonia Cleide dos Santos
My name is Antonia Cleide dos Santos. I was born in Ceará, a state from the Northeast of Brazil. I am years old, married and mother of 3 kids. I have worked at the association since 2003 and love what I do. I have learned a lot, but above all, I am very proud of what I do.

Daniel Ribeiro dos Santos
My name is Daniel Ribeiro dos Santos. I was born in Xique Xique, Bahia in 1958. I came to Brasilia in 1970 with my parents. In the federal capital I met my wife Francisca Ribeiro and we've raised five children together. I worked for many years in construction as a bricklayer but due to health problems I had to spend more and more time at home, I began to learn artisan crafts from my wife. Now for many years we have work together every day and today we have the source of family income.

Daniele Ribeiro dos Santos
My name is Daniele Ribeiro dos Santos, and was born in 1988. I am Francisca’s daughter. I grew up seeing my Mom working with tabs, with crochet, and making bags. Sometimes I would help her out in the administration part of her group, but since I was going to school, I couldn’t do much. Now that I have graduated from high school, I decided to enter the group and make bags. That helps me make some money, while I learn with the group, and decide what I want to do going forward.

Danúbia Matutino Santana
My name is Danúbia Matutino Santana, born in Xique Xique, Bahia on April 24, 1982. I am single, and have no kids. I live with my sister’s family. I came to Brasília after I finished high school with the hopes of a better future, more dignifying, you know? Because I didn’t have any professional experience, I was unemployed for a long time. That is when I learned about the group that was making art out of recycled materials. Since I knew how to crochet, I asked to become a part of this group. All I want is to continue working with Francisca’s group —, so I can make some money, and help my sister and her family with the bills. Above all, I want to help Francisca’s group grow more and more. I can only say thanks for this opportunity.

Dulceli Cavalcante da Silva
My name is Dulceli Cavalcante da Silva. I was born in 1969, am a residente of Santo Antonio do Descoberto, in Goi‡s. I am married, have 3 children, Juliana, Artur and Ayrton. I learned how to crochet when I was 12 years old. I met the association through a friend, I did the course, and liked it very much. And now I am a member of this association. I am very happy with this work, as it has helped me with the family budget. But above all, I like it very much.

Edinete De Jesus Souza
I was born in Cristópolis, Bahia. I'm married and have a son. I came to Brasilia in search of employment, because where I lived there are not opportunities. My brother in law Selma taught me to work with recycled aluminum tabs and I won new friends and I could learn very important things.
I try to be participatory and collaborate with harmony in the workplace. Put into practice all the knowledge acquired over the years betting on the growth and benefits for all.

Elismar Domingos
My name is Elismar Domingos and I was born in Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais. I first heard of the Association through a story that I watched on television. I wrote down the address and went there. I was very well received and decided to take the course. With the help of the artisans, I learned fast. Since then I have being working on overall labor services and joined as a member shortly after. That was in 2007!! I feel accomplished and empowered because I do what I like and make money as well, which helps in my personal expenses.

Eveny Ribeiro dos Santos
I am Eveny Ribeiro dos Santos. I was born in 1968 and in October 2004 I became a widow. I have 4 children, and the youngest one is years old. I have been unemployed until my sister-in-law, Francisca Ribeiro, asked me to come to work with her group at the association. At first I didn’t know how to do anything, but Francisca helped me to get started and now I can make bags out of can tabs, and I am very proud to know that my work is being shown in other countries. I hope you will like what I do. Thank you!

Hello, my name is Francimar. I am 57 years old and I am a native of Ceará where I married. I have a couple of kids and came to Brasilia in 1979. I met work with the guides in 2008 and since then produce accessories in partnership with Escama Studio. It is a therapeutic work for me, very pleasurable and fun too. I struggle to not have stress in my life because I learned that each burst of stress causes the body to face six hours of low immunity. So I always try to keep positivism in everything I do, including my work.
Olá, meu nome é Francimar. Tenho 57 anos e sou natural do Ceará onde me casei. Tenho um casal de filhos e vim para Brasília no ano de 1979. Conheci o trabalho com as guias em 2008 e desde então produzo acessórios nessa parceria com a Escama Studio. É um trabalho terapêutico para mim, muito prazeroso e divertido também. Luto para não ter estresse em minha vida porque aprendi que cada explosão de estresse faz com que o corpo enfrente seis horas de imunidade baixa. Então procuro sempre manter o positivismo em tudo que faço, inclusive no meu trabalho.

Francisca Ribeiro de Souza
My name is Francisca Ribeiro de Souza. I am years old and have 6 children. I have been at the association for years. I work making bags, accessories and home furnishings with recycled can tabs. I love my job. I am the president of the group. I am really happy for being able to help other mothers, who otherwise couldn’t get a job. Because of my age, I am really thankful to God that I can work.

Francisca de Souza Carmo
My name is Francisca de Souza Carmo, years old. I am from Brasília by heart, but was born in Piauí, a state from the Northeast of Brazil. I love handcrafts, and because of that I got to know more about working with tabs and crochet together. I am a retired-divorced woman, with kids that are now grown-up. I have a lot of spare time and that is why I want to dedicate myself to this type of work.

Girleide Santos de Castro
My name is Girleide Santos de Castro, born May 12th, 1969. I am married and have a girl who was born in 1999. In the past, I worked at a restaurant for 3 years until I became sick with a back problem. It was a very hard thing for me to go through. I went into a very deep depression. Then one day I met a woman called Eveny, who told me she was working at a woman’s group making crafts. She invited me to go and do a test with the group, and that is when I found a new force to fight my depression. Today I feel blessed for being a part of Francisca’s group. She is a wonderful person, who gives us strength, as well as a job and new source of income. "We are born to learn and sometimes die without knowing".

Idália Ferreira Bezerra
Hello, everybody! I am Idália Ferreira Bezerra, born in the city of Almino Afonso, Rio Grande do Norte, on May 20, 1971. I am single, and have one child. His name is Thiago Ferreira. I love fashion. I live close by the association, and one day I heard about what the artisans were making there. I became very curious and started visiting them every day. I thought it was beautiful what they were making, and that is when I decided to join the group. There are many reasons why I joined, but the main one is that I can occupy my time making thing that I like, and of course, help my family with the extra income. Today, the association has a special meaning to me. I thank you for appreciating our work.

Iéda Maria de Souza Rodrigues
My name is Iéda Maria de Souza Rodrigues. I am years old, married and have 2 kids. Through an association for kids that my son participates, I met some people who introduced me to the association. I then, began a course in crochet with tabs, and join the association. I love it there!

Iraneide de Lima dos Santos
My name is Iraneide de Lima dos Santos. I am married, have 3 kids, and was born in the state of Piauí, northeast of Brazil. One of the reasons I decided to join the association was to improve my self-esteem and to have some type of income to help out with the family’s expenses. In the beginning it was difficult to reconcile home chores with the work at the association, but things are better now. I am very happy to be a part of this group and thank God for this opportunity.

My name is Isabel, born in the state of Piaui in 1966, but came to Brasília when I was only 6 years old. I always took care of my own life, and always wanted to work, especially since I had my own children. I have 2 daughters (Bruna and Daniane). I was excited to take the crochet with tabs course, which was administered by the women from the association. It has been very nice, and it is also helping me provide for my family. Thanks everyone for supporting us!

Maria Ivaneide R. Alves
Hi, my name is Maria Ivaneide R. Alves. I was born in Bragança, in the state of Pará, on May 22, 1988. I was always very interested in handcrafts. That is when my husband help me to get into a sewing class. Then I met the association, a place where I was welcomed with opened arms. Through Chica Rosa I was able to meet great people, who I will never forget. This is a place where I want to build my future. I like to do what I do, and love to see my bags being sold. Thank you very much to all of you. I hope that you enjoy our work. There is more to come!!

Bio coming soon!

Jamile Santos Souza
I, Jamile Santos Souza, was born in 1989. I live with my parents and brothers. We all work together and it was through my mom who took the crochet course, that I learned. It makes me real happy to be a part of this group, As Panteras, I thank Francisca and Leda, as they have helped my family and I. I big kiss to all.

I was born in 1975, married for years with Roberto Lima de Pinho and we have 2 kids (Luis Gustavo, and Thalyta, ). I live in Riacho Fundo I and found out about the association. Today I am happy to say that I work there, making bags made out of tabs and crochet. I do it with a lot of love, and I intend to stay there for a long time.

Laurencia da Costa Barboza
My name is Laurencia da Costa Barboza. I am married, have 1 son and was born in Buriti, Minas Gerais. I used to be very depressed and suffered from low self-esteem. But that changed when I started working at the association. My husband supports me in my decision to work at the association, even though it was hard in the beginning. I am thankful for my family, my health and my work.

Leide Maria Santana Nina
Hello! My name is Leide Maria Santana Nina. I am married, years old, and 2 kids. My story is very simple. I am from the state of Maranhão, and have lived in Brasília for years. I have been with the association since 2002, and my goal is to continue growing as a person and as an artist. Before arriving at this association, I was going through depression, because I couldn’t find work. A friend of mine invited me to visit the association to see what they were doing. It was hard for me in the beginning, but I was determined to go forward. Today, I can say without a shadow of doubt, that I am useful, capable and intelligent. I feel that in life, people must believe in themselves, that they are capable of transforming small things into big things. The association has a very important role in my life, and I hope that all of us, women here, might continue to go far, combining power and work.

Lenilda dos Santos Gonçalves
Hello, I am Lenilda dos Santos Gonçalves, born on March 5, 1957, in the city of Itabuma, Bahia. I finished High School, was married, had 5 children: Elizamar, Elisangela, José Roberto, Eliésio and Cassiana. Today I am divorced, and have been living in a house, paying rent, and getting by. I first heard of the association through a friend, and since then have been learning how to crochet and making bags. I am very happy for having found this association. The people are great, from the President to the other members.

I was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1946. I have a daughter, Elaine who is and a son, Carlos Sergio who is ; I also have 2 very cute grandchildren, João Marcos and Rafael. I am a widow and live with my son Carlos Sergio. I have known about the work of the association for quite some time, but just recently I decided to join the group. I like it very much!
Update from Escama:
We wish to show respect to the family and friends of Luci Teirno Mota, who passed away of a stroke in February 2012. Mrs. Teirno Mota was a happy and funny lady and working with her was a unique experience. She was a fan of Escama Studio and we are also her fan. We are grateful and honored to have worked with her.

I am years old, a widow and have 4 kids and 3 grandchildren. I came to the association in December of 2004, and so far, things are great! I am happy here, I like the type of work and feel confident for a better life in the future. Although people might consider me as an old lady, I feel great, and will continue to work as long as I can.

Maria Luzinete de Melo
My name is Maria Luzinete de Melo. I am single and don’t have any kids. I was born on March 22, 1958 in the northeast State of Paraíba. People call me Dete, and I like that. Since I was a child I was always involved with handcrafts. I tried different jobs, but wasn’t happy, and that is why I went back to handcrafts. I decided to come to Brasília, and because I came alone, I wanted to find a place to work. I found the association. I really like working there, and enjoy the company of my colleagues at the cooperative. I don’t feel so alone.

Madalena de Pádua Pereira Vaz
My name is Madalena de Pádua Pereira Vaz. I am married, have 3 kids and was born in Brasília. When I joined the association it was difficult in the beginning to reconcile my responsibilities at home with the work at the association. Today, however, things are great, I have a small income and my self-esteem has gotten a lot better. I feel useful to my family, I feel empowered and I know that the work that all us do at the association is important, not only for us, but for the environment as well.

Madalena Lopes
I am Madalena Lopes. I am retired and was born in the historical town of Pirenópolis, Goiás. When I went into retirement, I felt a little lost. That’s when I read an article in the local newspaper about the association. I decided to make a visit and since then, I have become a regular there!! I like it there very much because it gives me great satisfaction!

Maria Alves de Souza
I am Maria Alves de Souza. I am years old, and have always worked in people’s homes as a maid and cook, and also as cosmetics salesperson. As I was getting tired, and after my daughter became pregnant, I decide to stop working so I could dedicate my time to my grandchild. My neighbors, Leda and Rosangela, were participating at the association and invited me to do so. At first I was reluctant because I didn’t know how to crochet, especially with tabs, but soon enough I became enchanted with the work. I have been at the Association since 2002. Being at the association gives me great pleasure, because besides of making some money, it is a place of leisure and it provides me the opportunity to meet new friends.

Maria Auzenir
Hello!! I am Maria Auzenir, born in 1964. I am married and have 6 children - Orlando, Leandro, Sirley, Jamile, Dalila and Jeane. I also have 2 grandchildren. We all live together with 2 daughters in law for over years. In 2007, I had the opportunity to meet Francisca and Leda. I have a problem with one of my legs, and that is why I decided to take the crochet course given by Francisca and Leda: I could work from home. I like to fight for what I believe and for the things I want. Thank God for my health. I love to crochet, and enjoy making my bags. I thank the people at Escama Studio for giving us this wonderful work. A kiss from my family and I.

Maria Betânia
Hello, my name is Maria Betânia, born in 1977, married with 3 children. I have started at the association because I knew Francisca for a long time. In September of 2007, I was decided to quit smoking. When I started with the handcrafts course in October, I stopped smoking for good. I was decided on learning more about how to make bags, and thank God, I have been with the association just over 1 year. Today I don't smoke anymore. One of the things that were most important to me was that I met wonderful and new people. Today I am coordinator for the group in another town, Santo Antonio do Descoberto, located in the state of Goias. I hope that in the future I will be able to take a nursing class, as I love to help people. I only have to thank everyone who can appreciate what we do with the handcrafts. Please accept my big hug!

Maria Farias de Souza
My name is Maria Farias de Souza. My first contact with the association, was actually done through my daughter, who knew Chica Rosa, the president of this association. She invited me to join and participate in the work there. Since I have always liked handcrafts, I decided to become a part of the group. I am proud and feel gratitude when I see the finished product using tabs (a bag, key chain or a belt). I don’t have a retirement plan. I am years old. I didn’t think that I would have an opportunity to work anymore. I have a lot of faith in God. I am thankful for being able to work at the association because the money I make can provide of my family.

Bio coming soon!

My name is Fatima, I'm 54 years old and I'm from Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais. I came to Brasilia with two years of age. I am divorced, but had two children of my marriage. I met work with the guides in 2008 and since then work in the production of accessories for Escama Studio.
Meu nome é Fatima, tenho 54 anos e sou natural de Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais. Vim para Brasília com dois anos de idade. Sou divorciada, mas tive dois filhos do meu casamento. Conheci o trabalho com as guias em 2008 e desde então trabalho na produção de acessórios para Escama Studio.

Bio coming soon!

Maria Isabel de Almeida Amorim
My name is Maria Isabel de Almeida Amorim. I was born in November of 1965 in the city of São Raimundo Nonato, state of Piauí. I first got to know the association through a friend of mine, Marlucy. That is when I decided to visit the association, and my reaction was of admiration. Admiration to see so much work, and so many beautiful pieces made by the hands of each person. The women there were happy and seemed to be enjoying their work. They were beautiful people who were capable of transmitting happiness of their work to other people. That type of unity made me want to be a part of as well. Today I am happy to say that I love to work at the association, and hope to continue making what I make to many more people around me and around the world. I thank the Lord for this opportunity.

Maria de Jesus Pereira
I, Maria de Jesus Pereira, was born on December 12, 1968 in Porto Franco, Maranhão. I arrived in Brasília in 1983. I was married in 1983, and have 2 children. I started working at the association in 2003, because I was feeling hopeless and my self-esteem was very low. Thank you!

Maria de Lourdes Santos
My name is Maria de Lourdes Santos. I am years old, and have 4 kids and 4 grandchildren. I arrived in Brasília in 1973 in search of a better life for my family and me. I consider myself lucky because I took a course with Chica Rosa in 1999, and after so many years, God gave me this new opportunity to find work with the women making art with tabs. I am very happy because I love to work.

Bio coming soon!

Maria Lurdes
Hi. I am married, born in 1948, have 2 children (boy and girl), I live in Santo Antonio do Descoberto, Goiás. I met the group As Panteras through my neighbor Antonia Belo and decided to take the crochet course. Today I am very happy to make my bags and I like my friends from the association very much. This means everything to me, and I thank the Lord for it.

Maria do Nascimento Sousa
I am Maria do Nascimento Sousa, born in 1962 in the state of Maranhao. I am divorced, and have one daughter. She is my life. I have always worked as a housekeeper, taking care of homes and children. Then I became unemployed. That is when my neighbor told me about a crafts course that was going to start very near my home. She asked me if I wanted to go there. I accepted. This has been very helpful for me and I hope I can continue doing it for a long time. I like it very much. It is great to work again. I have to thank Francisca, Leda e Vani, they are great, happy and fun. They have been able to help a lot of other people too. A big hug to you!!

Maria Lourdes de Souza
My name is Maria Lourdes de Souza. I have always liked to work with handcrafts, with things like candles, dolls, etc. One day, a friend of mine told me about getting an ID card for artists, at Riacho Fundo (my town), and when I got there, I met Chica Rosa, current president of the association. She invited me to participate at the meetings at the cooperative. At the time, I was going through a deep depression, because I had just lost my sister. I accepted the invitation, and soon after that, I started to feel better. I have learned crochet, and from that I started making things like bags, rugs, and belts, all made with tabs. I never thought I was capable of making such beautiful things. Today I am able to help my husband with the home expenses. It is great! I thank God for this opportunity and hope that I may be able to continue growing and learning with my work.

Maria do Socorro
Hello, I am Maria do Socorro. I was born in 1963, am a widow, mother of 3 children, live in Santo Antonio do Descoberto, Goiás. I took the crochet course because of a friend, Maria Alzenir, who was invited by mrs. Antonia Belo. She made it possible for us to have this opportunity to make some money. It makes me happy that I got to know all of the women and man of this association and thank God and all of you for this great opportunity of work. My life has changed a lot since I began working with this group.

Marinalva Machado
Hello, I am Marinalva Machado, born in 1976, in the state of Piaui. I came to Brasília in search of a better life. Regarding a job, I enrolled in a crochet and embroidery course and was through this opportunity that I got to know the association. That is when I did a crochet with tabs course, which I liked very much, and continue to like more and more. I like to be an artisan, and am proud of belonging to this association. It is how I make my money, how I survive, thanks to the Lord. I hope I can continue to do my work, staying here for many years to come. That's is my life!

Marli de Fatima Coelho Damas
I was born in 1959. I am married and have 2 children. I have been an artisan for more than years and just love what I do. One of the reasons that brought me over to artist association was because of my financial difficulties, as my husband was unemployed at the time, and that is when I decided to find a way to help my family. I sought the association and was very welcomed by Chica Rosa and the other artisans. Today I am part of the family at the association, where I have been since 2007. I feel happy!

Marly Selma Santos Souza
My name is Marly Selma Santos Souza. I am in a stable relationship and have 3 children. I was invited by a friend to visit the association. When I got there, I like it very much. I am now working with them, I am a part of the group and thank to that I am able to help my family with the extra income, working as an artisan.

Melita Leia Lopes
I am Melita Leia Lopes, born in 1947. I am a Taurus, born in Goiania, and have worked before as a Social Worker. I have 5 children and 5 grandchildren. I first heard of the association through my sister, Maria Madalena Lopes who invited me to participate in the work that she does. I thought a lot about it, since I have never even worked with a crochet needle. I accepted the challenge e soon began to participate in the group, thinking mostly that it was a great therapy. Today I am very proud of doing all of the steps to make a product, as well as add more income to my family's income.

Neize de Souza Ferreira da Cruz
My name is Neize de Souza Ferreira da Cruz. I am married and have 4 kids. I was born in 1961, and have been living in Brasília with my family since 1990. Here, I have learned to like where I live, and to get to know what it has to offer me. I heard about the association from a friend of mine, who is also a member of Francisca’s group. That is when I decided to join the group. I like it very much, especially because I love working with handcrafts.

Rafaela Ribeiro dos Santos
Hi. My name is Rafaela Ribeiro dos Santos. I am the daughter of Francisca and Daniel Ribeiro. I study in the mornings and afternoons. After school I am at home and I like to devote some time to help my mom to answer the phone and help wit messages related to Escama Studio. I am very happy to be with my parents and cooperate in ways to help them.

Raniely Ribeiro dos Santos
My name is Raniely Ribeiro dos Santos and I am the daughter of Francisca Ribeiro. I live currently in Aguas Lindas of Goiás with my husband. I work fashioning necklaces and bracelets with recycled pop tops, and the money helps me and supplements the income from home. I love this work and I thank God for this extra income helping us. I hope you also like what I do, because I dedicate myself with love and affection. All of you are important part of my job and I also wish you to enjoy the result of it. I am very happy and thankful for the return it brings me.

Maria Rejane Cunha
My name is Maria Rejane Cunha. I was born in 1959 in the city of Alegrete, Rio Grande do Sul, which is a state in the south of Brazil. I have moved recently to Riacho Fundo I, and I found out about the association through a friend of mine. I have been going through a divorce and being able to work with the women at the Cooperative has given me much comfort. I love the work we do here and it is great to meet these wonderful women, and specially Chica Rosa.

Bio coming soon!

Rosana Taquita Melo
My name is Rosana Taquita Melo. I am married and have 3 children. When I started my first crochet course seven years ago, I only remember crochet as a vague memory from my childhood school days. It wouldn't be difficult, I thought! It is necessary only to crochet and add the tabs, and all would be perfect. This simple way of thinking worked really well in the beginning, but soon enough I learned that to be able to do a well done job I would have to go beyond that. I would have to improve my technique. This is how I arrived at the association, where I am until today.

Rosângela Oliveira Silva
My name is Rosângela Oliveira Silva, also known as Rosa. I was born in 1973, in Teresina, Piauí State. I am married and have 2 kids. I have been living in Riacho Fundo I since 1994. I never worked out of the house, as my job was to take care of the kids and the house. But that changed when I had the opportunity to take a course in crochet with tabs. I joined the association and now can earn my own money and help out in the house financially.

Rosângela Fernandes
My name is Rosângela Fernandes, years old, married with 2 daughters. I was born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. I have been at the association since 2001, and it gives me a lot of pleasure. I like all the women here and have much pride in what I do. I always ask that God will continue to bless us for many years to come.

Rosangela Gonçalves
I am Rosangela Gonçalves, years old, resident of Riacho Fundo I, DF. I am a mother of 2 kids. I came to the association to learn how to crochet on tabs. I have been here since 2001, and now I am one of the directors at the association. I hope to continue working here for many years to come.

Bio coming soon!

Rosilandia Souza Dourado
My name is Rosilandia Souza Dourado and I was born in Barreiras, Bahia. I came to Brasilia in 2002 in search of work. I married and I have two daughters. I learned working with aluminum guides recycled through Lurdinha. It's been very rewarding since then work in groups with women. I learn new things every day.

Sebastiana dos Santos Souza
My name is Sebastiana dos Santos Souza. I was born in Bahia. My nickname is Tica. I came to Brasilia in search of job opportunities. My sister Selma introduced me to a group of women who worked with recycled aluminum tabs. It is wonderful to know that more women are having opportunities like me because now I'm able to work from home and have my family and my husband closeby. I love what I do.

Simone da Silva Teixeira Meireles
I am Simone da Silva Teixeira Meireles. The main reason I started working at the association was a medical one. I was depressed and the doctor said that I needed to get into occupational therapy. As the months went by I started to enjoy and was identifying myself with the work and above all, appreciating the social factor, which is wonderful! I am proud to show my work, and in special, to be contributing with the environment and the quality of life. Thank you very much!

Sirlei Santos
Hi, I am Sirlei Santos. I was born in 1987. It has been very difficult to get a job, so I decided to make bags. My mom started in the crochet course and thought all of our family how to do it. Even my dad helps out.

My name is Sueli. I was born in Varginha, in southern Minas Gerais. I am married and have two children. I came to Brasília in 1980. I worked 38 years as a teacher of kindergarten and elementary school. I ended my career in 2006 with a great honor - alphabetizing my grandson, Vitor. In 2007 I did the course in crochet with tabs at the Association and was delighted with the work done there, where I joined shortly after and started to produce. The contact with the artisans and the work that I perform makes me feel useful and happy.

Bio coming soon!

Good morning, everyone. My name is Terezinha. I was born in 1960, I am married and have 5 beautiful sons. I live in Santo Antonio do Descoberto for a long time now, have never worked due to the fact that I never went to school. But then, through a friend of mine, I was invited to take a crochet course and since then, have been able to work. I am enjoying it very much. All the artisans are wonderful. I hope that you will like our work. WellÉ that is a little part of my life!! A big kiss to all!!

I came from a town called Codó from the state of Maranhão. I arrived in Brasília when I was 20 years old, got married and have 2 children: Lorraine and Luiza. I met a friend inside the bus who was taking a crochet course. I became interested and soon asked if I could learn as well. I was looking for work anyway. I like to do handcrafts and identified myself with the group. Today I can say that the money I make helps my family with the monthly expenses.

Zelita Ferreira dos Santos
My name is Zelita Ferreira dos Santos, born in 1970. I have been working at the association since 2000. I was unemployed and decided to find out more about that cooperative. I found a lot of support Francisca and from my colleagues there. My self-esteem improved a lot, not to say about my family income. Today I am a part of a group of women who work with recycled aluminum tabs, and I am very happy. I hope to continue doing this for a long time, and I also hope that you will like my work, because I do it with a lot of love. Tchau.
Adriana Dos Reis Silva
Angela Maria
Chica Rosa
Edinete De Jesus Souza
Francimar Almeida Lopes de Carvalho
Francisca Ribeiro de Souza
Francisca de Souza Carmo
Luzinete (Dete)
Madalena Lopes
Maria Alves
Maria Auzenir
Maria Betânia
Maria Farias
Maria de Fátima
Maria De Fatima Dos Anjos Motta
Maria Ferreira
Maria Isabel de Almeida Amorim
Maria de Jesus
Maria de Lourdes Santos
Maria Lucilene
Maria Lurdes
Maria do Nascimento
Maria Lourdes de Souza
Maria do Socorro
Rafaela Ribeiro dos Santos
Raniely Ribeiro dos Santos
Rejane da Silva
Rosangela Fernandes
Rosangela Gonçalves
Rosangela Oliveira Silva
Rosilandia De Souza Dourado
Sebastiana Dos Santos Souza
Tais Pignata Siquera dos Santos