Brazilian Artisans Helping Street Kids

Escama Studio is partnering with Hope Unlimited for Children, a US and Brazilian non-profit that provides a refuge for Brazilian street children. In these difficult times the Escama team continues to work with passion and we want to help others who are less fortunate than ourselves.
The life expectancy of children living on the streets of Brazil is three to five years and it’s estimated that 7 to 8 million children are now living as street kids. For the past twenty nine years, Hope Unlimited for Children has been working to protect Brazil’s street kids and to break a generational cycle of poverty and despair.
Hope provides a safe living environment for children who may not even have a concept of ‘home’ or ‘family’. The organization works with children as young as age 6 and as old as 18, many have been severely traumatized by abandonment, rape, and from serving as commodities for drugs, sex, violent crime. Teenagers are referred to Hope through Brazil’s Child Protective Services and are under death threats from drug gangs. From these incredibly tough circumstances, the children and young adults are given a loving environment where they can feel secure and begin to thrive. Hope has helped more than 24,000 Brazilian street kids to date and has a 92% success rate for its residential graduates who are able to be financially self-sufficient after graduating from the program.
In Hope’s Campinas campus, the children who have no chance of going back to their families are sent to our community-based homes. These are regular houses where they are cared for by a married couple of social parents in a more urban area. That way they have a greater contact with society. In both our residential care programs and community-based homes, kids eat meals and play together and have their own closets and beds.
Hope Unlimited for Children has 21 free vocational classes that offer more opportunities for young people to succeed professionally. Hundreds of young people attend classes from the neighboring economically depressed communities. These programs are supported by corporate sponsors including IBM, Bosche, Rotary International, Deloitte and Touche.
As a faith-based non profit, Hope Unlimited for Children has a mission to transform the lives emotionally and spiritually. For more information about Hope Unlimited for Children please visit their website.
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