California Teen Makes Prom Dress From Soda Tabs

There was a very nice article in today's LA Times about Brie Fainblit, a Palmdale teenager who put her creativity to work to make a prom dress out of pop tops. It's a very sweet story, Brie doesn't have much in the way of money but she has a vision and creativity and this is what matters.

Escama Studio's bags also come from an environment where money is scarce but creativity is abundant. It's from this type of scarcity that brings forth creativity. We hope that Brie's dress is a smash hit at the prom this weekend. And Brie -- if you're out there -- we just wanted to let you know that we've referred a Canadian named Al over to you -- he wants a gig bag for his bass guitar and we hope that he finds you. Send us an message, we'd love to hear from you. Who knows.....maybe we could collaborate!   :-)

Read the LA Times article here.



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