Cadu Andrade: Brazilian Photographer

For the past ten years Escama Studio has wanted to shoot lifestyle photography in Brazil but we could never get it off the ground. Socorro, Sandra and I talked about lifestyle photos (argued about lifestyle photos) for years but we were not going to do it if we couldn't do it right. Then all of a sudden our dream became a reality.

Earlier this year Socorro's son, Daniel introduced us to a young, up-and-coming Brazilian photographer named Cadu Andrade and we realized that we had a great opportunity to present our products and Brazil in a way that most people had not seen before. Through his lens Cadu is able to capture the feeling and energy of modern, urban Brazil. He is constantly on the move, shooting skateboarders, heavy metal bands and he's gaining recognition for his work in his hometown of Brasilia and beyond. This is his first foray in fashion lifestyle photography and we are proud to share a few of his photos here. We look forward to our next photo shoot with Cadu. For more images here is Cadu's photo stream, Scroll to the bottom of this blog post to read Cadu's bio (or click here to read his bio on the Escama Studio site).
My name is Cadu Andrade - a young and passionate photographer working in Brazil. I graduated from UNIP 2011 in Marketing and Advertisement and that is when I fell in love with photography. I currently work in the music scene and was recognized in 2012 as one of the best photographers in Brazil by the “Fotografe uma Idéia” magazine. In addition to shooting local musicians, I am also partner-founder of the video production company “Skull Foto em Movimento”, acting as a producer, director and photography manager.
Meu nome é Cadu Andrade – um jovem e apaixonado fotógrafo que trabalha no Brasil. Sou formado em Marketing e Propaganda pela faculdade UNIP em 2011, onde nasceu meu amor pela fotografia. Trabalho atualmente como fotógrafo na área musical, sendo eleito em 2012 um dos melhores do Brasil pela revista “Fotografe uma Idéia”. Além de fotografar as bandas da cena brasiliense, sou também sócio-fundador da produtora de vídeos “Skull Foto em Movimento”, atuando como produtor-diretor e diretor de fotografia.
Hey, Cadu! You DO rock! Two thumbs up!
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